選手登録受付 / Registration


If you would like to compete, please apply from the entry form below.

Dead line of entry:Oct 31 2012(Wednesday)
Dead line of payment:Nov 2 2012(Friday)

注意事項 / Notes

Please note that once payment for registration is paid, a refund will not be given under any circumstances.
If you changed your mine, decided not to compete or won't be able to attend the contest for any reason we will not give refund.
Thank you for your kind understanding and cooperation.

■選手参加費用 / Registration fees
1部門エントリー:4,000円 / Competing 1 division : 4,000yen
2部門エントリー:5,500円 / Competing 2 divisions : 5,500yen
3部門エントリー:7,000円 / Competing 3 divisions : 7,000yen
(必須 / necessary) 名前 / Name
フリガナ / assumed name
電話番号 / Phone number
(cell-phone number is acceptable)
(必須 / necessary)メールアドレス / e-mail address
(必須 / necessary)メールアドレス(再入力) /
e-mail address(to confirm)
性別 / Gender
(必須 / necessary) 出場部門 / Entry Division

*Entering in multiple division is acceptable

コメント / Comment
(必須 / necessary) チェック / Check